Thursday, November 4, 2010

The Southwest - Part 11

So I was up at four a.m. this morning.

Because I'm AWESOME that's why.

Had you asked me last week about the dawn I would have told you it's a myth, like dragons.  Or gravity.  But lo and behold, it exists.  I have seen it.

After plugging away at french homework for a while (I'm awesome, remember?) I decided to catch up on some long overdue sleep writing.  Because that's what sane people do.

So in order to please my adoring fan base assuage my conscience, I present to you the Southwest Part 11!

August 26th - The Road Less Traveled (because it's not a damn road)

Remember travel tips 1 and 2?

Allow me to explain.  My father is the kind of environmental crusader who, when he went to empty our trash bag, came back with all the bottles and cans that had been misplaced, tragically, into the Moab garbage bins.  This actually led to a net gain of refuse in our tiny hybrid car.

If I wanted to rebel, all I'd have to do is fail to compost an apple core.

It should here also be noted that, whatever else he is, my dad is the kind who will drive across the country doing dangerous things with his son because he loves him.  So he gets a pass.

But I digress.  Today was a day I'd been looking forward to.  Today we went trail riding.  And I use the term "trail" lightly.  The barren hellscape that surrounds Moab just goes to show why everyone but the Mormons had the good sense to keep moving.

Nevertheless, it is absolutely stunning.  Observe:

"I can make it."
Note: that picture is actually me.

Also Note: I look hawt in bike shorts.  (Thank you for noticing)

Now I thought I knew mountain biking.  Evidently, I was wrong.  If you want to know what riding around Moab is like, picture corporal punishment.  That's it.  You're done.

My butt cheeks still aren't speaking to me.  

The views were, as per usual, spectacular.  We also ran into a charming group of french guys along the trail.  We compared maps, bruises and last will and testaments exit strategies.

After the ride we decided to explore the town, since the last thing we wanted to do was sit down

It is around this part of the trip that I came up with this:

The Four Stages of Adventure Trips

1) Finally!  An excuse to eat cliff bars again.

2) Another cliff bar?  Why not!

3) I'd kill you for a salad.

4) I can't remember my last bowel movement.