Friday, October 8, 2010

I just got my ass kicked by a blind guy

When I was 16, my mom and I raised a black lab to be a guide dog.  It was hard to give him up but we were happy to hear that our pup, Viscount, had graduated and was now leading some lucky blind person around.  (yes, lucky and blind.  Viscount is a kickass dog!)

For the record, we did not name him Viscount.  We called him Noosums.

Well while I was in line for my coffee at Bridgehead (where else?) the man behind me happened to be blind and lead by none other than a black lab.

I ventured some small talk.  My exact words:

"Hey man!  What's your dog's name?"

At this moment he turned and stared (read: glared) right into my eyes (which is impressive for a blind man) just long enough for it to become uncomfortable - then he stared some more.

Finally, mercifully, he broke the silence with this:

"I don't give her a name while she's working."

Sorry man, I didn't mean to ruin your whole day like that...

His tone was somewhere between "Pistols at dawn" and "I have mace."

Before this battle of wills descended into fisticuffs* I decided to politely disengage  tactically retreat  grab my coffee and run.  I did not want to mess with this guy.  The man clearly had beef.

*side note: there is no way to beat a blind guy.  Even if you win, you lose.

Now reflecting over my small* cup of Ethiopian Harrar, I can't decide if I feel guilty or offended.

*Take notes, Starbucks.  "Tall" is not a denomination of volume.

So I'm taking a poll: guilty or offended?  You guys decide.

Alternate poll: would I have won?

Tomorrow's post:
Grady actually beats up a blind guy.  For science.


  1. Wow, it's not like you gave the dog a big hug and then tried to get it to fetch a stick. I don't think asking about her NAME distracts her from working. Unless she can use a pencil in her mouth to write it out for you. That might be distracting. Blind guy obviously had this big of a beef:

  2. haha for serious! Maybe next time I can put on a scottish accent and try again :P

    By the way, is it wrong that that picture made me kinda hungry?

  3. I had a similar situation with a woman that came into my work. She had a gorgeous dog. I asked about it and she very coldly said it was a working dog and that she doesn't discuss it.
    I had other customers ask her what breed it was (while not interacting with the dog) and she was a frigid b*^(# !!!!
    I get that it could be a touchy subject if someone asked what the dog was for, but they wanted to know the breed. It is also pet owner manners to ask about breeds and compliment peoples dogs.
    I bet the woman has a very rough time everywhere if that is how she behaves.
