Wednesday, October 6, 2010

The Southwest - Part 8

August 24 - Yoo-TAW!

I know you were all worried, but yes, we survived.   Evidently the highway we wanted was a few miles past Cisco (still unmarked, what the hell Utah?)

While it was still two hours to Moab, and my father felt compelled to take photos of every bend in the road (urge to kill... rising...) we made it without having to refuel.  Hybrids, guys.  They're a thing.

You guys remember the roadrunner and coyote show?  Utah actually looks like that.

We pulled into Moab just as the sun was setting.  I thought I'd seen what a sunset looks like.  Evidently, I was wrong:

Some things you guys should know about Moab, Utah.  First off, Moab does not belong in Utah.  It is a glaring cartographical error.  Moab is filled with trendy shops with anti-establishment slogans like "Coffee: Still Legal in Utah".  It's the one place in the state where dreadlocks outnumber cowboy hats (though both are equally unfashionable).

Now some things you should know about the rest of Utah.  Not only are the people of Utah very friendly, they are related.

And you know all those jokes about American beer?  À la "What do American beer and sex in a canoe have in common?  They're both fucking close to water."  (Canada, I love you.)

Well in Utah it is actually true.  It is state law that no establishment can sell beverages above 3.2% alcohol.  The effect being that a beer in Utah has the potency of watered-down baby formula. 

So between the wedding and the mormons, I have not had a real drink since the airplane.  I know, I'm scared too.


  1. You haven't seen a sunset in Alberta yet! Seriously awesome. And the American beer thing is totally true. When we were in Mexico, I suddenly realized I wasn't drunk after about 10 beers and I was all "WTF" until I realized it was American beer. True story.

  2. Haha. It's funny because most of the Americans I know don't like most of the beer here because we don't have enough microbrews, etc. But also, you can get some ridiculous beers in most states. And my friends are beer snobs.
