Saturday, July 17, 2010

Comedy of Errors Part 1

This weekend I'm in Montreal for the Comedy of Errors tournament. The schedule had us playing five straight games all through the afternoon, starting with the Great Canadian Ultimate Game.

The GCUG is an Ultimate game played across the country over 24 hours. It started in the Yukon at midnight and has been steadily making its way to the east coast. Each team has a charity, and the winning team's cause gets all the proceeds.

As cool an idea as it is, there is a flaw to this system. See, one team's charity is the Boys and Girls Club, while the other is Right to Play. Basically, this means you are playing for the same cause, no matter which side you're on.

This is a missed opportunity: people would play harder if the stakes were higher.

Like if the losing team had to perform community service. Or sign up to be big brothers and sisters. Of course, it probably doesn't boost children's self-esteem to be begrudgingly accompanied by an adult who has nothing better to do than play Ultimate at three in the morning. These are not good role models. They are the losing team; kids want to hang out with WINNERS.

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention, our day was cut short by lightening, so I've actually been drinking since this afternoon. Apologies all around.

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